The use of inversion methods allows for 1D borehole measurements to be parameterized into 3D space by integrating the well and the seismic data. To some degree, the inversion output simulates wireline measurements being recorded at each trace in a seismic survey without the need to drill expensive wells. This is possible by analyzing the variation of seismic amplitude with incident angle (AVO and/or azimuth) at a geological interface, which contains information about the rock and fluid properties within the layers. The AVO information is used to convert the seismic data from amplitudes to properties within the layer. The process is controlled and calibrated by available well log data and by structural interpretation. Our preferred inversion engine is able to handle the following data types to invert for acoustic and elastic properties:
1. Fullstack
2. Partial angle stacks
3. Azimuthal partial angle stacks
4. 4D partial angle stacks
5. Multi-component (PP and PS) partial angle stacks
The inversion algorithm specifications include:
1. Globally optimized, full bandwidth algorithm
2. Inverts all input seismic stacks simultaneously to handle noise better and obtain the best fitting earth model
3. Uses simulated annealing to locate the global minimum of a given function
4. Can be performed using Aki & Richards and Fatti AVO models
5. Wavelets can be varied vertically to compensate for temporal variations in the seismic
The table below shows various types of inversion processes and applications, the input data requirements, and the output volumes (directly from the inversion or after algebraic manipulation).